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    Published August 11, 2022

    Teens are Abandoning Facebook

    Facebook has lost a majority of its teen users. A recent study by PEW has found that only 32% of teens aged 13-17 use Facebook. In a previous survey from 2014-2015, that figure was 71%, beating out platforms like Instagram and Snapchat.

    Facebook is now often associated with their parent generation and doesn’t have much appeal to Gen Z. Most young adults perceive Facebook as a place for people in their 40s and 50s,” said the 2021 internal Facebook document obtained by The Verge

    Overall Facebook usership has been stagnant, but this drop in a key demographic is bad news for Facebook’s main revenue driver – ads business,

    62% of teens have been reported to use Instagram, 67% of teens use TikTok and YouTube leads the pack with 95% of users.


    Although Gen Z has a reputation of always being on their phones, teens are aware of the possible negative affects of social media. 36% of teen think they spend too much time on social media and 45% claim that they wouldn’t have trouble giving up social media.


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